As much as I prefer to write on other topics, current events continue to present speaking points that are best presented in a conspiracy tale. So, the craziness continues in Canada. Calgary has now announced they will be enacting “No Free Speech Zones” that target free speech of persons who want to address subjects non-congruent with the NWO agenda or narrative. The Nation’s supreme leader and his cohort of complicit crooks continue to spend our country into the deepest, darkest debt hole our Nation has ever experienced. Getting in is easy. Getting out will cost the future of 25-generations. It is very curious how our system of government does not have a mechanism to end a corrupt regime from collapsing the country. Protecting our Nation from all enemies foreign and domestic, is that not the oath of the military?? We have domestic enemies in the house of power. They have manipulated emergency event that allowed them to invoke emergency powers and shutdown the Nation, confine the citizens to their homes, limit movement, close businesses, close schools, close churches, close fitness facilities and de-populate the hospitals for an influx of patients that never materialized. The Draconian measures did not stop there. Overreaching gun control measures, proroguing parliament, extending the COVID-19 lockdown, the WE charity scandal, emergency relief funding, and now “masks” are very important. No debate. No votes by elected representatives. And now, the rhetoric is increasing towards a “second-wave” to justify more authoritarian measures. Schools are back; however, the restrictions are over the top for the actual magnitude of this event. Not to sound too harsh, and for the families of those who perished from COVID-19 this is not to minimize your loss, however, only about 9200 Canadians have died from this pandemic 9200 / 37,000,000 = a non-statistically significant value! We are destroying our country for what reason again?? The criminals in Ottawa need to be held accountable for their actions and inactions. We are destroying our country for a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate! Wake up people! We are being played! Masks made sense in January, February and March; before we knew enough about the pathology of this disease. That is behind us. Wearing a mask by those not infected is a pure PSYOPS – psychological operation. If you are wearing a mask out of fear, get off your arse and do your own research! Masks are not the answer for the healthy and it is questionable if these masks serve a purpose for those who are infected. Right now, wearing a mask by an uninfected person shows a willingness to capitulate to a directive from people who are supposed to serve you, not dictate to you. The pandemic has become an exercise in power. Well misery likes company and Canada is not alone in their suffering.
Our Commonwealth Allies and friends in Australia continue to be abused by their local government. Border control points between their states. Children have been separated from their parents and taken to hospitals in a different state that the parents cannot enter. There are nightly curfews. And, allegedly, the night skies are filled with frequent flights arriving from China – WHY?? Totalitarianism seems to be on the rise. Too bad Australia was disarmed a couple decades ago. When the State has a monopoly on violence it will be more difficult for the citizens to stand up and say, “No more!”
Our neighbours to the South, God Bless Them! They need more help than can be rendered by only a neighbour. Marxist terror groups rioting and destroying American cities. Foreign funds funding protestors/rioters to cause havoc and chaos. And the most divisive election in living memory is only a couple months away. Humble the smugness, that Marxist trouble has infected Canada, too. There is a storm coming and it is going to hit more than just our American neighbours.
You may be asking, “Mountainman, what is the Big Picture?” I am happy you asked…If you have read the previous Conspiracy Tales you may recall that I have suggested that all of these events are NOT isolated. Everything is connected. There is a concerted effort being made to rid the planet of FREEDOM & LIBERTY! A large communist effort to bring collectivism to every home around the planet. Communism is NOT sexy. Communism is NOT cool. COMMUNISM is CRUEL and OPPRESSIVE!! To all the “Useful Idiots”, the role you are currently playing will come to a brutal end once your masters are in power. If you have not read any history, you might not know that those “useful idiots” who aid the communists into power are usually killed once their usefulness has expired. Do yourself a favour now, while you still can, and read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago (volumes 1, 2 & 3). Hear firsthand what happened in the Soviet Gulags and re-evaluate your love of collectivism.
This current pandemic/plandemic has had more success in crushing Western Civilization in six-months than a century of open or clandestine warfare!! If we stay quiet and refuse to stand up, it is likely we could enter into the final stages in our lifetime. How many people around the planet do not even question wearing a mask?? How many people do not question being told they cannot gather?? How many people do not question why they cannot attend church, while it is okay for dirtbag ANTIFA terrorists to ravage a city?? ANTIFA doesn’t observe social distancing when they are swarming a neighbourhood or an entire city. Has life been too easy for too long?? Are all people soft?? Since when have such weak governments had so much control over the citizens??
I was going to list the “useful idiots”, those poor souls who are being sucked into this storm and do not know any better. Then, again, what are the odds any actually read my Blog?? Okay a partial list. Without a doubt ANTIFA and BLM Inc, those folks are being used by the Marxist machine to wreak havoc and when it is over their usefulness will be expired. The First Nations/Indigenous People your call for reconciliation is being exploited and you are being deceived by the social justice billionaires funding your protests. The LBGTQ movement you, too, are being exploited and if the Marxist achieve power you too will be in danger of a level of violence incomprehensible in today’s world. The feminist you have helped seed division in the community which the Marxists appreciate, however, that usefulness has a limit. In general, any organization that has division as its central mission is being exploited by the Marxists. You are doing their bidding and you likely have no clue what a Marxist is. Maybe you have heard of communism or maybe not. It is not the socialist utopia presented in books like Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. George Orwell’s 1984 is much closer.
Now, the powers that be, those communist dogs wanting to kill, subvert, trick or connive their way into power or stay in power they have another list – a list of threats to a stable communist regime. That list contains a lot of good people, people who do not deserve to be hunted and killed. This list will be a concern for those who love FREEDOM & LIBERTY!! Free thinkers. Independent & self-sufficient types. Folks who have property. Scientist (not the politically controlled or bought scientist). Teachers who do not teach the Marxist curriculum. Doctors and nurses who will not help in the vaccination regime (not talking about MMR or Polio vaccines here). Firearms owners. Military leaders who resist Marxist doctrine. Police members who will not obey the narrative. Parents who teach their children well and not from the book of Marx. Preachers and Ministers who will not change the Lord’s Teachings. Non-union workers. Entrepreneurs. This list should sound familiar the pattern has been used for over one hundred years by every despot and dictator around the planet.
This is going to need to be a multi-part post. Time is short and there is lots to share. I will end part one here.
Until next time…question the status quo! More to follow.