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Near Oldman River by V.A. McMillan |
Feardemic is a play on words, mocking pandemic in a cynical and sarcastic manner. According to Wikipedia "pandemic" is from the Greek "pan" = all & "demos" = people. And we know fear is an emotional response or choice to a stimulant, generally assumed to be a negative response. Yes, I was surprised to hear my wife use the term...but, it seems an accurate summation of the current state of affairs here on planet Earth. [Editor Correction: Feardemic in context with my wife's usage has to do with the fear many folks have with death and their unresolved acceptance of death and as a result they cannot allow themselves to live, much less live fully. The current pandemic/plandemic further exasperates this fear and has the fearful clutching at any idol to save their lives, such as the devotion to wearing masks.] FEARdemic an irrational response to the non-stop bombardment of the population by the propaganda allegedly due to the public health concerns for an upper respiratory infection called COVID-19. A disease that has a survival rate above 97%...
Here are links to previous conspiracy tales:
Back in January and February 2020 when the COVID-19 outbreak seemed real, and information was sketchy it seemed both reasonable and prudent to limit contact with people, practice excellent personal hygiene and employ PPE (personal protective equipment) when going out into public places. However, the emergency phase is long past. We have a much better understanding of this virus and it is not nearly as deadly as we were made to believe. So, why the hell are we still under lockdown?? Certainly not for public health reasons, but purely as an exercise in power and control. So, how did public health legislation get so powerful as to dictate house arrest and jail for non-compliance??
Where is the proof that any of these oppressive measures are warranted?? No, public "officials" nor the W.H.O. nor any other government source will be good enough. Just because billionaires like Gates or Soros said so, is also NOT good enough. A non-biased third party would be a good start. Of course, there would need to be at least three independent third-party verifications before any findings could come close to being accepted, after the sandbagging propaganda that has been shoved down our throats.
If things were not rosy enough and everyone would just like to get a bit of breathing room to get our personal and collective thoughts in order; this continued social engineering experiment just goes on and on without abatement. The latest twist is a series of screenshots of a Twitter? feed from an insider member of the Liberal Strategic Planning Committee who has expressed horror that the PM and his Ilk have sold out our country and wants the committee members to sell to Canadians it is in our best interest to capitulate and concede defeat without a fight and accept a buyout via the IMF to forgive all personal debt in exchange for enslavement. I cannot verify the authenticity of the images and I have not determined if they are real or some sort of PSYOP trick being played on Canadians. Needless to say the subversive, traitor who is allegedly in charge of our country is not making any friends in regions who absolutely did not vote for him nor his party.
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