11 November 2021

They Don't Remember, Anymore...

"Frost" (photo by V.A. McMillan, 11 Nov 2021)


Today was a sombre day attending the local Cenotaph to observe silence and remember The Fallen. It hit me like a sledgehammer while observing the crowd and catching the tidbits the politico’s and dignitaries were saying from the mic…THEY DON’T REMEMBER, anymore. They are going through the motions, but do they actually remember??


The Veterans – in the crowd and on parade, they remember…most can never forget what they have seen or done – For God, King/Queen, and Country.


Thank you to those in the crowd who were there and wanted to learn, keep that up. Your country needs you to be engaged. The Fallen appreciate your efforts to want to know more.


To those who were there in body, just going through the motions and those who couldn’t be bothered to get off the couch to come stand in the fresh air and observe two minutes of silence and pay your respect for the FREEDOM bought for you in the blood, sweat, and tears of generations of fighting men, and women; I was going to say I feel distain. However, that is not correct, you are using your FREEDOM in the lap of luxury and blissful ignorance; so, I feel pity and sadness for you.


I was also burdened with the thought that our current collective level of apathy is leading to a confrontation that, barring Divine Intervention, will climax in combat. This is a sorrow many Veterans recognize and understand. Regrettably we will have to roll up our sleeves and prepare for battle, one more time. The politico-class seems to behave like tinkering with social structure and the lives of millions in a perverted game of “Simon Says” is not only acceptable but expected behaviour of their positions of power.


Does no one recall their history?? “Zie Papers??” Is not from a gentle time from our past. When the NAZIs rolled over Europe and issued travel papers and established control points to keep the population in their place, the rest of the world found this despicable and worthy of a good fight to end the NAZI’s bloody tyranny. Today, we – in the FREE WORLD, are suffering a contrived, medical tyranny. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!! How could we allow this tyranny to taint our country, our world??? Have we learned nothing??


There is currently a distinct lack of leadership everywhere. Those who remember their history are doing their best to standup and say, “NO!” To the mandatory vax and oppressive concept of vax passports. NAZIs use vax passports, not Canadians. Have we all become cowards and spineless wimps?? The government is the servant of the taxpayers, it is not the overlord. With no leaders, that means every man, woman, and child needs to make their own stand against tyranny.


State mandated medical procedures violates the Nuremberg Code (1947), the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982), and the Canadian Human Rights Act (1985). It was the atrocities and involuntary human experiments conducted under the NAZI regime and outcomes of the Nuremberg Trials that brought us the Nuremberg Code (1947) to ensure such mass injustice never happened ever again. Yet here we are force inoculating Canadians with an unknown substance to reduce the symptoms of an illness that has a better than 99% survival rate!!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!! Worst we have allowed these pencil pushing dictators to mandate a vax passport system to control movement, employment, entertainment, and recreation. Is this Canada or Canuckistan??


This will only end when folks everywhere say, “NO MORE!” Vax passports and forced inoculations are not Canadian. It is medical tyranny. Tyranny is not FREEDOM. Tyranny is not LIBERTY. Tyranny is not JUSTICE.


I now understand the sentiment of Jesus’s dying statement while on the cross:

Father, forgive them; they know not what they do. (KJV, Luke 23:34)

We are at the crossroads in human history and if a new system of collective, cooperative existence does not arrive, and soon, we will be damned and doomed to repeat history by falling back to old solutions to ridding the world of this evil that surrounds us. Which Jesus was alluding to. Before we make the same mistake again and plunge into a war and do the bidding of the evil, corrupt, bastards in the crystal palace; let us work together and mend our divisions. Let us make a better system for running our towns, districts, and countries. The evil ones have created so much division, chaos, and havoc; war seems like the only way out. But those cowards will hide in their palaces, mansions, and country estates until the shooting stops and then they will buy up everything and the cycle will start again.


We need a solution. A solution that strips the corrupt Global Elites from power without destroying all the good people of our world.



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