31 October 2021

What is the Barrier Blocking Humans from Becoming a Type One Civilization?

Victor Lake, Alberta (photo by V.A. McMillan, October 2021)


After reading the title you might be thinking to yourself, what the heck is Mountainman talking about? So, a quick back story…the TV show Star Trek (and the movies) had two interesting concepts to teach us, first was the prime directive and the second was their use of Kardashev Scale for describing the technological stage of a civilization.

The Kardashev Scale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale, https://futurism.com/the-kardashev-scale-type-i-ii-iii-iv-v-civilization) is used to determine how much and from what source a civilization uses its energy. For as smart as we humans think we are, our current civilization would only rate as a Type Zero Civilization. Sure, we can split the atom and generate nuclear fission energy, however, we have not proved to be wise in how we use that knowledge now have we?? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLCF7vPanrY) That video will show you where and when the more than 2000-nuclear weapons have been tested or used in war.

To advance to a Type One Civilization we will need to be technologically and ethically mature enough to harvest/harness energy directly from the Sun. In human terms the Sun is an endless supply of energy, well for the next four billion years or so. Yet, the Sun has energy to share. The process to create X-Class solar flares on the surface of the Sun, produces more energy than a billion hydrogen bombs (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/X-class-flares.html). If wee little humans could work together and figure out how to capture that energy without wiping out all life on our planet, then we would be advancing to the big times. Capturing X-Class flares would eliminate the need for using fossil fuels for home heating or generating electricity for lighting our homes and cities.

So, what is holding us back??

First, we are anything but ethical in our pursuits on this planet or in our neighbourhood of the galaxy.

Second, we have a complicated past in regard to supporting thinkers and innovators. Remember Nikola Tesla?? One of many pioneers far ahead of his time and under recognized as the genius he was. Shunned by the wealthy and powerful of the day. What was Tesla’s crime?? The mere suggestion that power could be free, was the beginning of his end. These greedy, power hungry demons in Society felt threatened by just the concept that energy could be free.

Third, there is a reason why humans are kept away from the centre of the galaxy; humans are an innovative, brutal, violent species. Although, other species in the galaxy are likely larger, smarter, or stronger, humans can be very cunning when hunting their foes and unleash sadistic hell on their enemies. This primitive quality is best reserved for total war when you need to unleash the Berserkers.

Finally, if the legend of Atlantis holds true, then they attained the technology of matter/anti-matter. Unfortunately, basic human deficiencies of greed and power sunk the continent below the surface of the sea at the climax of their civil war.

So, watching our current world I am wondering how are we going to achieve a Type 1 Civilization?? We are approaching the apex of our Type Zero existence, and if we do not have a plan in place, we will find ourselves in a worldwide conflict which will conclude with life on Earth being severely retarded. It will be a regression or devolution.

The old method for dealing with this evil would be to physically destroy it, but that path has us repeating this lesson again. We do not have a hundred generations to get back to this level of technology, again.

We need to mature and grow the hell up and find a solution that destroys this evil, so we can level up and enjoy a golden age as a Type One Civilization.

That is all for now.

Until next time…Ponder not only the solutions, but the costs vs benefits.


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