31 August 2024

Canada First Model - Canadian Wildfire Service


Canada First Model - Canadian Wildfire Service



Well Folks,

I see Google has inserted its nose into Blogger, too deep in my opinion. I have written my blog post on my Steemit channel and shared the link:


Not happy with Google. Stop trying to steal data from original content creators. Keep your cookies to yourself.


26 July 2024

Turtle Time! Western Painted Turtle & the Winnipeg River System


Turtle Row (photo by V.A. McMillan, July 2024)

Turtle Time! The Western Painted Turtle in the Winnipeg River System

26 July 2024

Summer is here. It is warm and muggy in Eastern Manitoba; thankfully, without the stress of nearby wildfires. Since my post back in May (mtnmanblog.blogspot.com/first-folbot-paddle), I have been out paddling almost once a week. I am getting better acquainted with the Winnipeg River and some of the tributaries, like English River. What this area has in common is the Western Painted Turtle.

Lone Turtle (photo by V.A. McMillan JUN 2024)

Unlike the Snapping Turtle, the Western Painted Turtle is not an endangered or threatened species…at least around here. So, this post will share some pics of the Western Painted Turtle in its natural habitat. I try my very best to capture photos from my Folbot kayak without getting too close or staying in the area too long. Having my camera with a bit of a telephoto lens has helped a lot, since the first trip or two when I relied on the camera on my phone. So, without further ado…it’s Turtle Time! (All following photos were taken by me.) 

Herd of Turtles (02 JUN 2024)

Turtle Log (02 JUN 2024)

A Turtle Gang (07 JUN 2024)

Turtle on Rock (08 JUN 2024)

Turtle on Rock (Cropped) (08 JUN 2024)

Turtles in the Marsh (21 JUN 2024)

Hard to Spot (20 JUL 2024)

Turtle Family (20 JUL 2024)

Turtle Family 2 (20 JUL 2024)

Turtle on Rock (20 JUL 2024)

(Remember, by clicking on the photos, they will enlarge.)


Until next time…remember, one of the reasons to get out into Nature, is to experience the other animals and critters on this planet…so, get out there and have a great time!



08 June 2024

Cold Steel Sheath Mod

Winnipeg River (photo by V.A. McMillan, 2024)


Title: Cold Steel Sheath Mod

June 2024

Been quite some time since I have posted a gear modification type project. Let’s correct that, shall we…

Cold Steel makes some great knives…and Lynn Thompson (owner of Cold Steel) is a wise businessman…not only does his company create good knives; by using different steels with different qualities, he can provide a product line that meets many of the budget constraints of his customer base. Top of the line San Mai to the more budget conscious products produced in Taiwan or India.

Cold Steel Recon Tanto (left) & SRK (right)

Last year I purchased a couple Cold Steel budget friendly knives from KnifeCenter (https://www.knifecenter.com/). One was a Recon Tanto, and the other was a SRK (Survival Rescue Knife). Both have long lineage at Cold Steel and are battle tested designs. But we are not reviewing the cutlery today, we are going to look at the rugged plastic sheaths…when you are at a lower price point you cannot expect to get all the features of the higher-grade versions, and I am sure that extends to the sheaths.

Top Sheath Has Been Modded

The provided sheaths had two items of concern for me…first I prefer the retaining strap for the knife handle to be a thumb break that opens by pushing my thumb across the snap and to the right. The sheaths arrived breaking to the left, which might work for some users. The second preference is for the retaining strap to not interfere with re-sheathing the knife after use. The sheath arrives utilizing a single bartack on the centreline…which a correct technique for fast manufacturing and it does function for extra security preventing a knife from falling out of the sheath. However, when two bartacks are used the strap stays open allowing for fiddle-free re-sheathing of the knife.

Both Modded to Break to the Right

First step was to unscrew the webbing from the plastic body of the sheath, then carefully cut the threads of the bartack to remove the retaining strap. Last step is to flip the retaining strap to break to the right and sew it back on with two bartacks which are about as far apart as the width of the knife handle.

Note the Higher Location on the Bottom Sheath

One for two…one Mod went well and the other one I accidently cut through the webbing while trying to cut the threads…remember to take your time and if cutting the threads with a very sharp Recon Tanto, ensure you are cutting the threads not the webbing. Oops. Thus, one retaining strap is higher than the other (see photo above)…that was a result of having to put the strap in the same location to cover the hole in the webbing behind the strap. Yes, I did use flame to seal the webbing from unraveling.

Until next time…do not be afraid to purchase affordable gear, 

                            even if you need to mod it to meet your needs!




Project photos by V.A. McMillan.

10 May 2024

First Folbot Paddle of 2024

Winnipeg River (photo by V.A. McMillan, 2024)

First Paddle of 2024

May 2024

After much too long, I finally got the Folbot out on the water again. This folding kayak is a circa 1967 Folbot Super Sport (16’6”) two-seater, with a wood and aluminum frame and a Hypalon hull.

Folbot Super Sport (photo by V.A. McMillan, 2024)

Yesterday I had to do some overdue maintenance and a coat of glue was needed on a couple of the plywood parts to get them ready for the water. A few of the brass parts need some attention, too. Today’s mission was to get the Folbot setup and back on the water, where it belongs. Assembly took more than half an hour, but it went together on the first assembly. Water conditions looked good from shore, but the wind was the variable I was not as sure about. With only one paddler in a two-seater can be tricky in windy conditions. One other thing I should mention is this Folbot does not have a skeg nor a rudder, so steerage is achieved by paddling or leaning. More about that later. The trip I wanted to achieve was to circle Hind Island in the Winnipeg River.

Map from Google Maps (2024)

The route around Hind Island is about 7.5 km, unfortunately the wind was so strong on the far side of the island that I only made it 3.63 km, before I was forced to return the way I came. I also learned that Sharkey’s Channel has a rock weir like structure that prevents large vessels from traversing the channel. Thankfully, the kayak has a shallow draft and 6” of water over the rocks was more than enough to float over. Here is a picture on the outbound trip:

Sharkey's Channel Looking East (photo by V.A. McMillan, 2024)

While these pictures captured the moment, they certainly do not share how windy it was. Of course, in the windiest places I was too busy paddling to stop to take pictures. Another point to share, was the photos were taken with a cellphone camera, not my good camera. First voyages and risk assessments don’t take the good camera without a dry bag or floating camera bag…until you know the vessel is still serviceable.

Parking on Sharkey's Channel (photo by V.A. McMillan, 2024)

Looking West to the Main Channel (photo by V.A. McMillan 2024)

I did take a few breaks to walk on terra-firma trying to wait out the wind. Here (above) is a nice parking spot for the Folbot. The next image is looking from Sharkey’s Channel west towards the main channel. My route takes a right turn onto the main channel, but the wind was harsh. With no weight or a second paddler, when traveling bow into the wind, the kayak gets pushed all over the place. So, to get back I spent a lot of time back paddling, leading with the stern. This caused a couple of moments of concern when a wave or two broke over the stern and some water got inside. Not enough to bail out, but I was paying attention.

There was plenty of wildlife to watch…geese, ducks, hawks, even a Bald Eagle. The interesting critters included a pair of King Fishers, a beaver, and a few turtles. Some of the lakes I paddled as a kid had turtles, but they were pretty elusive. So, it was great to see some turtles today in the natural element.

Turtles on a Log (photo by V.A. McMillan, 2024)

Until next time…whether you are paddling your favourite 50-year old kayak or a shiny new craft…

Get out there and have a great time!



NB. Click on the pictures to see a larger version.

13 April 2024

Emergency Management (EM) Degree vs EM Role Specific Training - A Cost Benefit Discussion

Mountains (photo by V.A. McMillan)


Title: Emergency Management (EM) Degree vs EM Role Specific Training – A Cost Benefit Discussion

Very recently I completed an emergency management role specific training program for the Planning Section Chief role. Also, in the not-too-distant past I completed my Emergency & Security Management Degree from the Justice Institute of British Columbia. So, I find myself pondering which training was most valuable to get into a paying EM job and which type of training is providing the most impact for an emergency management career…

Here's what I had to say about the Planning Section Chief course on my blog post at The GOOD Plan Blog (https://thegoodplanblog.blogspot.com/2024/04/planning-section-chief-course-review-02.html): The Town of High River with the High River Fire Department hosted the Planning Section Chief course delivered by Daryl Black of Exigent Academy (https://www.exigentinc.ca/43055/academy/). The program was delivered at the Memorial Centre in High River, Alberta between the 2nd and the 5th of April 2024. The Alberta Emergency Management Agency was also present to ensure their endorsement was not misplaced. The program had other ICS role specific training – Incident Commanders, Operations Section Chiefs, Logistics Section Chiefs, and Task Force Leaders/Strike Team Leaders. In all, over 100-students received exceptional training in their specialty.  

For many who take ICS (Incident Command System) training, there is little opportunity for enhanced training beyond the ICS-100, ICS-200, ICS-300, and ICS-400 courses. Thankfully, organizations like Exigent Academy are stepping in to fill this knowledge gap. The first operational period should NOT be the place where you learn about the role you need to fulfil. Daryl Black and his team of instructors did a fantastic job of sharing their personal experiences and knowledge of ICS and incident management. I did not encounter any student who expressed any displeasure with their learning experience. Kudos, Daryl!

So, what did it cost, you ask??? Each role specific training cost $875 and that included access to digital student manuals and the catered lunches. In my biased opinion, it was a good value. For those considering getting onboard for the next training opportunity, just know that ICS-300 is a pre-requisite. So, not including the cost of the ICS-300 course, to get all the training from Exigent in this program would cost about $4400 ($875 x 5 = $4375) and take about a month (4-day x 5), if back-to-back courses were available. So, to take Basic Emergency Management, ICS-100, ICS-200, & ICS-300 to have your pre-requisites taken care of, let’s add another month. So, total investment less than $6000 and less than three months. Could you get a job?? From what I have learned in the last year and a bit…I would say probably. The BC Wildfire team needs qualified members for their Incident Management Teams (IMT) and wildfire seems to be a growing business. The season is longer and the fires more numerous and more intense. That means IMTs rotate through more cycles per season. Without adequate depth, there is real possibility of burning out your IMT staff. However, other employers do not even look at resumes or applications if there is a lack of a degree…Parks Canada, for instance is very particular about a degree being present.

According to the JIBC website (https://www.jibc.ca/areas-of-study/emergency-management/emergency-security-management-besms) it cost approximately $22,500.00 for the four year Bachelor of Emergency & Security Management degree. Which is likely time well spent if you are pursuing emergency management as a twenty-something or thirty-something. As for those in their fifties…time is running out to secure meaningful employment before forced retirement. So, 40-courses breaks down to about $563/course ($22,500 / 40 = $562.50). Four-years and forty courses, that is a major commitment when changing careers and at end of career timeline. Now the degree has opened doors for me, but I would be amiss if I said my degree has fully prepared me for the work.

My current job requires me to function as the Planning Section Chief or other Planning roles in our Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), when responding to an onsite or offsite incident. It is my opinion that the recent four-day course has done a better job of preparing me for the Planning Section Chief role than my four-year degree program. However, my position is not limited to the EOC. For the full depth of my roles and responsibilities, I am confident that my degree has prepared me very well for conducting research and writing the required reports to support administrative and operational decisions being made in our emergency management department.

So, what is the bottom line? In my opinion, since emergency management is the calling for those who want to help others, and there are many paths that lead to achieving that outcome…follow the path the feels right for you. I have grown up being told I was a jack of all trades but master of none. On reflection, emergency management IS the mastery of the jack of all trades. Problem-solving, which is a core function of emergency management draws upon so many other disciplines that to be master, you must have a very wide breadth of knowledge. You do not need mastery of all those different fields of study, but you do need to know where to draw knowledge from to be successful in emergency management. And it does not matter how you acquire the knowledge, in my biased opinion, all sources offer value – volunteering, working, or going to school. In fact, you need a blend of all three, because at some point in your career you will need to communicate with someone from those other fields to achieve your mission. Communication is easier when you understand the language and culture.


Until next time…Get some training!

And make the most of what you learn.



01 March 2024

Collective Capitalism Re-Visited...I Was Wrong!!


Fire in the Sky (photo by V.A.McMillan)


Title: Collective Capitalism Re-Visited…I Was Wrong!!

In the original article https://mtnmanblog.blogspot.com/2019/05/collective-capitalism-concept.html I fell into the trap of manipulated lexicon or vocabulary. I assert I am not an economist, political scientist, or investment manager. I am just a person who has questions about the world we live in. So, this blog post I would like to re-visit my previous blog post and make corrections.

Let’s us start with that vocabulary or lexicon issue. I used the word capitalism to describe an economy. This was a conditioned response…I was not paying full attention to the words I was using. My bad. The word I should have used to describe what I was envisioning was FREE MARKET ECONOMY. I, like many from GEN X, have been subtly manipulated through the education process to believe that capitalism and free market economy are the same thing. A simple exchange of words that on the surface do not seem to be much different. Much like what we see going on around us, today. Subtle substitutions of language to manipulate future outcomes. That Karl Marx guy was very cleaver…a subtle, malevolent ideology to undermine and collapse the Industrial Revolution. Seems Marx’s infiltrate, subvert, manipulate, and overthrow strategy still works today. Capitalism and Communism, Marxists constructs to undermine, are the same outcome, only at different ends of the same continuum. Capitalism on the right and Communism on the left.

As I have mentioned repeatedly, I am not an economist. In my limited understanding on this topic Capitalism has the end goal of corporate rule – of the economy. Remember that childhood board game – Monopoly?? A simple game, roll the dice, move your marker around the board, buy properties, utilities, and avoid landing on spaces owned by others or going to jail. Pass Go! And collect $200. Add houses and eventually hotels to your property and in no time, you are a tycoon! The end goal is to be the one holding the “monopoly” (sole ownership of the whole board) and have everyone else indebted to you or bankrupted off the board. Indoctrination works by subtly switching good for bad – in simple moralistic terms. A child’s board game as a weapon of subversion???

At the polar opposite end of this continuum is Communism…a system of governance where some self-appointed ruler believes they have a better understanding of life and they should centrally control all aspects of life, starting with the collective production of goods for the economy. The central control decides what needs to be grown in the field, harvested from the forest, produced in the mills, build on the assembly line, AND what the common worker should be allowed to purchase and when. However, Communism is not marketed and sold for the oppressive central control…no, no, it is sold as working together to achieve common goals to the betterment of the society or community… under the yoke of tyranny cooperation. [Too subjective??]

Now let’s get back to Free Market Economy a system of economy where the market (as in community marketplace) determines what is produced, in what volume, at what price, and for how long. This is the system advocated by Adam Smith in his lengthy book The Wealth of Nations (1776), yah, yah, yah…I know that is not the proper full title – An Inquiry into the Natures and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) Volumes I, II, II, IV, & V. You can get your PDF copy online, free for the downloading from many websites. I have made it a few hundred pages into the 1204 pages, it is written in an older writing style and vocabulary, which does not make this a light or easy reading tome. However, the ideas suggested are more in line with what most folks think when they use the word capitalism in place of free market economy.

In my understanding, free market economy is the actualization of the demand and supply model of innovation, production, and profit. One person needs a “widget”, another person is capable of making and motivated to make the “widget”. Now you have a market – supply someone’s need. A little while later a new person says, “Not only can I make the “widget”, but I can also make it from superior materials, faster, and more affordably.” Now you have competition. If both parties are allowed to sell their goods at the market uninterrupted by trade guilds or governments, and the buyer exercises their “free-will” to purchase the “widget” or support the “widget” company they chose; then, you have a free market economy. Unlike, a purely Capitalistic economy model motivated towards monopoly; the free market economy is motivated by producers meeting the needs of end-users. There is no need to produce goods no one needs and then have marketing companies brainwash you into thinking you “NEED” that useless product.

So, if I was to return to my original idea…I guess what I wanted to convey, was an ethical, moral marketplace where goods are produced of superior quality, in the local economy, would pay back dividends to the community by being a strong partner with the community. Innovators and entrepreneurs would be free to design and develop what the community needed and would be motivated to generate a reasonable return or profit. Communities, and I guess by extension, economies that are either oppressed or suppressed by government or corporations that are immoral and unethical will stifle and eventually kill the market, economy, and the community. Too bad humans are most inventive during times of conflict, it seems some folks are genuinely motivated to keep a climate of chaos and crisis perpetuating. Maybe one day we will see the silver lining of all this conflict.  


In my humble opinion, we, Earthlings’, would be better off working together to achieve mutually beneficial goals.

Until next time…solve the problems you can.



11 February 2024

Trying to Understand Meta-Data & Targeting Individuals


River Winter Scene (photo by V.A. McMillan, 2024)

How exactly do you explain meta-data…you know those little tags attached to all those electronic devices that travel on the interwebs. Some meta-data is created by your internet service provider (ISP) and others get attached to your computer, phone, or tablet by online merchants who want to ensure that you receive quality services…those cookie things. Well, today we will try to get a grip on meta-data and how you can be targeted even if you do not login or have a profile on a specific website.

This is a slide deck I created to try to explain this topic to myself. I guess this will be a thought exercise type blog post.

Before we delve too deep into this subject, let me disclose that targeting of individuals is not necessarily nefarious. Occasionally the algorithms get it right, and you receive targeted advertisements for things you actually need at the time you need them. Of course, becoming the subject of a targeting does not always mean a positive experience…spam, phishing, hacking, or becoming persona non-grata (PNG)…wait, I am getting ahead of myself.

Let us look at how the intelligence community gathers and maps data, then we will explore a few means of generating meta-data, and how that can be exploited by others. Next slide, please…

Intelligence…Intel…INT…the gathering of information for the purposes of gaining an understanding of a situation, event, incident, group, purchasing habits, or connections between groups. There are many disciplines inside the intelligence world that are colloquially referred to their different INTs. HUMINT is human intelligence…that would be the James Bond type spying on people. COMINT & SIGINT would be communications intelligence and signals intelligence, that is conducted by the NSA in the US or the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) in Canuckistan. If it travels over the airwaves, through a CAT5/CAT6 cable, or via Wi-Fi, you can bet your last dollar that it is being monitored and possibly recorded for future retrieval.

The image on this slide is a screenshot captured from A Thousand Pieces Documentary (2023) still available on Rumble (https://rumble.com/a-thousand-pieces-documentary.html), which succinctly explains many of the common INTs. This is important because humans are creatures of habit…we leave breadcrumbs everywhere we go that can be followed back to our nests. So, knowing what type of breadcrumbs can be followed may assist in reducing our footprints across the electromagnetic spectrum and in the physical world. Enough spy vs spy for the moment. Next slide…

Back to meta-data. We need to understand the term – node. In a network, any location which receives or transmit data is a node. This can be a phone, laptop, motion sensor, CCTV camera, or a person. Depends on the network being described or monitored.

For the purposes of our discussion each node will be associated with an individual and it can include their phone, their laptop, tablet, or swipe/prox access card (credit card, debit card). In the diagram on the slide, you will notice some nodes are smaller, some are coloured, and there are lines connecting nodes in their network. These are very simplified to show the interconnectedness of the networks in our lives. In the real world these connections and networks would be more numerous and more complex to map the actual transference of information.

Each network has the same-coloured lines of communication. If two-colours exchange between nodes, then two streams of information are being transmitted. What is not shown on these network maps is the direction of information sharing. If a node is coloured, they are an influencer, with at least four-connections inside their network. An influencer implies some sort of hierarchical structure, whether it exists or not. Marketers like roping in influencers…if they (influencers) will buy the product being sold by the marketer, they (marketer) know that by peer pressure or influence others in the group will also buy. This is a reason why targeting ads are so important to sellers and marketers. There is another important node on the map…the bridge node, who connects multiple networks. This person is also an important target for marketers. Through a bridge node, a marketer could find another influencer. There is one more important node, but we will get to that soon…

Yes, this is the same network map; however, we are now going to identify what we're mapping. This is an email network map…who is included is not even important at this stage. From this map of email patterns we see some interesting developments, first the orange cell is a centrally controlled network. Individual nodes all communicate through the influencer node. Also note, that the only external email connection is also going through the influencer node.

The red cell and the blue cell are both tightly connected networks but lack a central influencer. This could mean that these networks are highly co-operative or collaborative, but it also could indicate a lack of leadership – good or bad. The red cell would also have a tighter control over who makes contact with outsiders, at least via email. The blue cell seems to limit external connections but has more than one external connection to gather information.

The blue and green cells share similar characteristics, except the green cell is larger and has an influencer but not centrally controlled. Which brings us to the yellow cell…according to email traffic patterns it looks like there are two newer nodes. The newest node only has contact with the influencer and one other yellow node. We also notice this newest node has a very unique signature; they are the only node with connections to all networks on the map. This could be an information broker, a plant, a spy, a mole, an infiltrator, or an agent provocateur. This one node is both very powerful and very dangerous. Information seems to be flowing in only one direction, that is to the node…at least by email.

On this slide we see a social media network map. As can be expected, the influencers are active across multiple platforms. There are also some other nodes connected to social media. So, the marketer who connects with an influencer on social media may only be aware of a limited network of connections, if the marketer could also see the email network map, they would know these influencers have a large sphere of influence and are worthy of pursuit. Next, we will review the network map for text messages…

Here we see that the cells in these networks are more connected than was previously known. From the network connections between nodes, especially outside the cells we see that they are using the same device to connect inside their network. So, far we have been concerned about protecting our identity from marketers trying to exploit our networks to the marketers’ benefit/profit. There are other threats on this electronic battlefield. Pesky spammers, profit if they can secure your email list or contact list from your phone. Hackers using ransomware can be more harmful - either by extorting a ransom or more likely by denying you access to your device or data. Unfortunately, not all hackers are living in the basement of their parent’s home addicted to Cheetos, Jolt, and Mario Cart. Some are agents of the state, and if they have decided you are interesting things are about to change…

While meta-data does not connect a name to a node, it does not need to…the mapped connections is far wider reaching than one might expect. If you have somehow shown up on the radar of the state, they have far more resource to discover all the nodes on the map. It only takes one piece to back track to a specific node. Cookies implanted in your computer device by well meaning marketers, are like any other tracking device, they positively identify the target. Cleared your cache memory recently?? Yah, me either…

If you become a target, the digital mapping will now be compared across multiple sources, this will either disengage their interest or intensify it. Remember, they only need one piece in the real world to back track to their actual target. You could be seen as the weak link and easily coerced by their state wielding power to cough up those in your network. However, before contact is made, HUMINT may be employed to ensure they are targeting the correct node. Like the digital, in the real world we all leave breadcrumbs of our daily activities…we have patterns. We shop for groceries in Town A or CITY B. We refuel at Station A but never Station C. We get coffee at 0600 every Saturday. Go for a beer with the boys on Friday night. The girls have a winefest on Saturday afternoons will playing Bridge or Canasta. Each event/location/time is a node. When being surveilled someone(s) are watching and plotting your physical network map. Each of these nodes might intersect with the network of another target. Depending how much interest you have attracted, the resources dedicated to hunting you can be overwhelming. Or maybe that is just the movies…

When HUMINT and the meta-data is mapped and overlayed…if the patterns match, a digital fingerprint is confirmed. If no match, they might let their fish go back to the pond. Otherwise…

If you have attracted the wrong attention and they seem convinced you are their target you will become PNG – Persona Non-Grata, that’s right you are now an unwanted person. Now life gets real. Credit cards and debit cards and bank accounts can be frozen by the state. APBs (all points bulletins) for your arrest and detention could be sent to all police services. Oh, yah, that passport might get flagged…so flights, roads, rails, or waterways might become the ways they capture you. Do you have an I.N.C.H. Plan?? Right, I have not written a blog post about this yet. INCH = I’m Never Coming Home. The most extreme evacuation plan ever. It means evacuating who you are and who you were…forever. Activating your INCH Plan means immediately walking away from the life you have lived up until now. You go on the run…if you became PNG would you have somewhere to go?? No, you cannot go to your buddy’s place, they will be waiting for you there. No, you cannot go to your relative’s place…not even the relative three provinces away. You cannot go anywhere you are known or were known. You must become anonymous, the true greyman.

If you have really pissed off the state, they will label you as such. As Enemy of the State, staying in your own country will be risky if not downright dangerous. You stay on the run but know that if captured you will spend your time in the crowbar hotel. If they really, really don’t like you…you will be taking a nap in the Kirk Garden with a stone head rest.

Of course, this is an extreme tangent of why you need to be aware of meta-data and how meta-data can really screw up your plans. What could prevent going down this rabbit hole????

I am sure the state would not come hunting you just because you visited that one questionable website…well, probably not. You said it was only once, right??

I would not identify a problem without offering up a strategy to mitigate this type of situation.

First get situationally aware. I have shared on the blog previously on developing situational awareness. (https://mtnmanblog.blogspot.com/2018/03/safe-level-one-lesson-plan-part-1-of-5.html Part One of Five Parts.) You need to be aware of what is going on around you – in the physical world and online. The times, they are a changing…things that were non-issues in the past have become lightning rods with this new world order. Speaking your mind, is almost a crime…freedom of expression is no longer free.

Next if you suspect you are networking with folks who others might hold a grudge against, protect yourself and this network by being very conscious of your behaviour, locations, types of communications, and who might be watching. Separate means of communications for each network. Be mindful of what you post on social media.

Behave like you are always being monitored – digitally and physically. Whenever possible behave above reproach. When confronted with a dilemma, always try to select the option with the highest moral fibre.

Groups and networks are encouraged to vet members. Why is this new node trying to connect to the network right now? For your benefit or theirs?

From an electronic protection point-of-view…keep your virus protection up-to-date, same with operating system updates. Use a VPN to shield you from malevolent watching eyes. Clear your cache memory of cookies…daily. Determine the best payment method for your online lifestyle and understand this could have negative results.

From a physical protection point-of-view…understand you and your data are valuable to someone. Determine is reward points are worth losing your identity? Credit cards and debit cards allow others to track how you spend your money. If at some point, someone does not like what you purchase, you could receive negative attention.

Finally, make a determined effort to break your patterns, from time-to-time. Become unpredictable!!


Until next time…ponder how things are connected!

