V. Andrew McMillan
Justice Institute of
British Columbia
ESMS-4900 Capstone
Instructor: Beth Larcombe
Advisor: Bettina
Due Date: 10 July
The submission confirmation number is
Ongoing disaster level events impact the built world and citizens,
alike, in a trend that does not appear to be abating any time soon. However, if
the structures of the build world were resilient to the forces of wildfires,
floods, earthquakes, and wind events (known in this research as the quadruple
threat), by being designed and built with that purpose, then, citizens and
communities could weather the extremes with confidence. This research explores
what is currently known and recommended to enhance structural disaster
resiliency of dwellings. These recommendations are captured and communicated using
an infographic (Figure 4). Furthermore, a directory of research facilities (Appendix)
is included to aid future research. Utilizing a systems approach, the findings
support the interconnectedness of the dwelling components: (a) roofing system, (b)
wall and floor systems, (c) window and door system, (d) the foundation system,
and (e) utilities system; and how they must be designed to work together for a
structure to survive the quadruple threat. Keywords: built world, firescaping, quadruple threat, storm-proofing, xeriscaping Houses of Straw,
Sticks, and Bricks – Increasing Disaster Resiliency to
Floods, Earthquakes, Wind Events, and the Big Bad Wolf Between 2011 and 2020, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) (2021) records
over $19 billion in catastrophic losses in Canada. The Canadian Disaster
Database (n.d.) shows more than $12 billion in reported losses between 2011 and
2021, just from wildfires, floods, earthquakes, and wind events across Canada. That
is 74 disaster level events that displaced almost 360,000 Canadians from their
homes in only a decade. This capstone research project will explore solutions
to enhance the resiliency of the built world (see glossary) by increasing
structural disaster resiliency when encountering wildfires, floods,
earthquakes, and wind events (tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones), henceforth
known as the quadruple threat(s). Author Amanda Ripley, when interviewed by NPR’s podcast host Neda Ulaby
(2008, 22 July), explains it is in everyone’s benefit to become more disaster resilient,
especially those who prefer to survive disaster events. One way to achieve
disaster resilience is to build homes that are designed from the ground up with
structural and materials choices based on resistance and resilience
to the quadruple threats. This research will endeavour to compile the best practices
for achieving success from current solutions. Then, critically appraise these
solutions, before discussing a model solution, followed by exploring gaps, and,
finally, determining where future research could further pursue structural
disaster resiliency. Disaster resiliency will take a systems approach to resolve, which will
include social, economic, environmental, governmental, and structural solution
components. However, this research paper will focus only on structural disaster
resiliency solution components to the quadruple threat of wildfires, floods,
hurricanes, and wind events.
Public Safety Canada (PSC) has a goal that Canada and Canadians will be resilient
to natural disasters and human-caused crises by 2030 (Public Safety Canada,
2019). Similarly, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the United
States of America, has identified (a) increase resiliency and preparedness, (b)
breakdown barriers to information sharing, and (c) improve interdisciplinary research,
as key national goals for improving resiliency in their country (Department of
Homeland Security, 2015; Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2018; Obama, 2011). Resiliency to natural disasters or human-caused crises requires a
systems approach including physical, social, economic, and environmental
solution components. Additionally, these components have impacts at the
individual, community, business, and governmental levels. Each time a disaster
destroys a community the process of rebuilding begins again. When the built
world is not destroyed by disaster events, the cycle of destruction and rebuilding
is interrupted.
- How to improve the structural disaster resiliency to wildfire, floods,
earthquakes, and wind events (tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones?
- What structural or material characteristics provide greater resilience
to the quadruple threat?
- How does knowing which structural or material characteristics that can
provide greater resilience to the quadruple threat, contribute to enhancing
resiliency in the community of existing structures requiring retrofits or
Taking a systems approach to resolving resiliency of the built world
towards natural disasters and human-caused crises will require finding components
from physical solutions, as well as social, economic, and environmental
solutions. This research will focus on components that provide physical
solutions to the quadruple threat to enhance the structural disaster resiliency
to dwellings. The research questions will guide what is being sought and
snowball sampling the literature will guide where the solutions will be found. To
prevent falling into (and possibly being trapped in) a research silo, as
cautioned by FEMA (2018), this research will cross research disciplinary lines
within academic literature and beyond, to industry and agency grey literature
to find concrete solutions. Figure 1  | Hurricane Ike 2008, Bolivar Peninsula, TX – Lone House Note. National Weather Service, IMG_9179 (n.d.) |
2  | Hurricane Ike 2008, Bolivar Peninsula, TX – Hurricane “Proof” Houses Note. National Weather Service, IMG_9195 (n.d.) |
An anecdotal claim could insist that all the houses in Figures 1 and 2,
must be hurricane “proof” because they survived Hurricane Ike. Finally, theoretical evidence: evidence that follows a logical chain of
association between known facts and postulates hypothetical solutions that
“should” be true but have not been proven true via the scientific method. For
example, in theory, if a dwelling is constructed of fireproof and waterproof
materials, using correct building techniques the dwelling should survive
wildfires and floods. Finding evidence from multiple sources, crossing research
disciplines, and exploring expert, non-academic resources will all contribute
to finding solutions that meet the needs of individual homeowners to mitigate
the hazards presented by the quadruple threat. Furthermore, all information
formats will be valid for exploration including visual, audio, video, and
Figure 3  | Literature Search Sources Notes. Blue – Grey Literature, Orange – Academic Literature, Grey –
YouTube, Mustard – Blog, Violet – Books, Green – Images, Yellow – Chapters, and
Maroon – Podcast. Created in Excel. |
Of the grey literature sources, the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) proved to be an essential source hosting 12% of cited documents,
followed by the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) with 5%. Other
notable sources included the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety
(IBHS), British Columbia FireSmart, the Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), the
University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), and the National Fire Prevention Association
(NFPA) contributing 3% each. The grey literature focuses on solutions and real-world
applications of the information to enhance structural disaster resiliency and
proved valuable for this research. YouTube proved to be an important resource that both captured the
information and allowed the researcher to review the experiments or field information
and garner a deeper understanding of the subject material presented. For
example, it is much easier to understand a firebrand blizzard or ember storm
when watching the IBHS (2011) video when a full-size house is being tested in
the IBHS Research Lab than to read about the concerns presented by firebrands
or embers igniting debris in a rain gutter as in the Colorado Springs Fire
Department (CSFD) manual (2022, p. 17). While YouTube may not be a prime
academic source for research papers, YouTube does offer an advantage over reading
written material by allowing the researcher to witness evidence for themselves,
which enhances understanding and learning comprehension. The literature search led beyond books, reports, articles, and videos to
a wealth of research centres located around the globe – Canada, Australia, the
United States, the United Kingdom, even Nepal. Compiling contact information
for these research centres will aid in future research (see Appendix). Natural
Resource Canada (NRC) was a treasure trove find, with centres dedicated to
forestry, geology, and hydrology. The same cannot be said for Environment and
Climate Change Canada, whose web presence and resources were not up to the
standard of NRC or other research centres, such as those under the domain of America’s
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA); such as, the National Hurricane
Center (NHC), National Severe Storm Laboratory (NSSL), or the Storm Prediction
Center (SPC). The IBHS Research Lab and the US Forest Service – Missoula Fire
Sciences Laboratory have both contributed greatly to understanding wildfire
characteristics and how homes in the wildland urban interface (WUI) impact fire
progress. Not to mention the excellent collaborations between academic institutions,
like the Cyclone Testing Station (CTS) which is part of James Cook University (Australia),
the Ark Flood Centre and University of Hull (United Kingdom), or the Wall of
Wind (WoW) hurricane simulator at the Florida International University. There
are also earthquake focused partnerships such as the Pacific Earthquake
Engineering Research (PEER) Center between the University of Washington and
University California – Berkeley or the Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake
Engineering Research (MCEER) at the University of Buffalo. Suffice to say, each
of these research facilities conduct experiments, publish research papers and
reports, and advance what is known about these disaster hazards and how best to
mitigate the effects. All in all, the quantity and quality of available research material was
vast, partly due to the broad research topic including four disaster hazard
events, and the fact that, each of these topics have been well researched to
find answers to enhance resiliency and mitigate vulnerabilities. The selected
items cited were chosen as they contributed to answering the research questions
and offered credible solutions from reputable sources. Even the blog posts were
of a high quality, written by knowledgeable authors. Follow-up research on this
topic could easily consider three or four times the volume of sources to produce
a thorough master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation.
Critically appraising the data found in the literature search will
explore common themes, conflicts and alternate solutions to the hazard threats
presented by each of the quadruple threats. Resiliency is a broad topic with
many focuses. A good introduction comes from the Fitzgerald and Fitzgerald
(2005), review of Bruneau et al.’s (2003) work with the MCEER framework for “the
4 R’s” of resiliency (a) robustness, (b) redundancy, (c) resourcefulness, and
(d) rapidity, and the four dimensions of community functioning (a) technical,
(b) organizational, (c) social, and (d) economic (p. 5). Fitzgerald &
Fitzgerald (2005) adapt the MCEER concepts for earthquake resilience and apply
them to their wildfire resiliency research. Additionally, Pinkus (2019) finds resilient
designs rely on three key factors: (a) hazard mitigation, (b) passive
survivability, and (c) adaption (p. 7). Furthermore, FEMA P-737 (2008) identifies
four factors impacting a building’s surviving wildfire: (a) topography and weather,
(b) defensible space, (c) building envelope, and (d) community infrastructure
(p. 6). Fireproofing is not a new idea or concept, products made from the
mineral Asbestos have been in use for more than a millennia and have been used
for cladding and roofing homes since the early twentieth century (History
Cooperative, 2016; InspectAPedia, n.d.). Unfortunately, airborne Asbestos fibres
are carcinogenic when inhaled and only NFIP (2008), makes mention of Asbestos-cement
board in classifying it as a good resilient material for wall or ceiling tiles
resistant to flood conditions (p. 7). Fortunately, there are other materials to
enhance wildfire structural resiliency. Current solutions will be briefly
described, starting at the roof, and working down to the yard. Researchers and
agencies alike, unanimously recommended Class ‘A’ rated roof claddings, including
asphalt shingles, various metal products, slate, and clay or cement tile (CSFD,
2022; FEMA, (2008); Quarles et al., 2010; Smith et al., 2016; Syphard et al.,
2017; UNR, 2020). Moving down to the leading edge of the roof, rain gutters, drip edge
flashing, and soffit vents all present areas of vulnerability to embers and
firebrand accumulations that could ignite and work their way into the attic
space and burn the home from the top down (IBHS, 2011; IBHS, 2021; CSFD, 2022).
Gutters need to be kept clear of leaf and needle debris to prevent providing ignition
fuel to an ember storm. Consequentially, metal drip edge flashing should be secured
under the roof cladding and extend down over the fascia and behind the gutters
to prevent debris fires gaining attic entry via the leading edge of the roof (IBHS,
2021; Quarles et al., 2010). Soffit and attic vents should be covered with fine
metal mesh (1/8”) to stop ember and firebrand entry (CSFD, 2022). Alternatively,
fire shutters (that can be affixed over vents, windows, and doors) work well to
protect homes from fire inundation through openings into a home, provided
sufficient preparation time allows mounting and securing the fire shutters before
arrival of the fire or evacuation of residents (FEMA, 2013). Similar to roofing, cladding for a building’s sides should be of
non-combustible materials and constructed in a fire-resistant manner layering non-combustible
materials on framing that is protected inside and out (BC FireSmart, 2019; FEMA,
2008; FLASH, 2021). A layer of fire rated (FR) Gyproc on the inside and outside
of the wall framing would assist resiliency to fire. While adding a fireproof
insulation, like Rockwool, would enhance the resiliency by another factor (Carr,
2020; Roos, 2019). Alternately, concrete provides a couple other fire resilient
options, first, is the use of insulated concrete forms (ICF) (FEMA, 2008; Inside
Edition, 2021). ICFs stack like Lego ® blocks to form foundation and above
grade walls that are then filled with concrete and rebar to create the
structure. The second option is pre-stressed/pre-cast concrete wall panels. These
panels are poured and cured in a factory environment and then assembled onsite creating
a concrete building (PCI Foundation, 2017). Other fireproofing mitigation innovations deserving mention include
interior and exterior fire sprinkler systems (FEMA, 2008; NFPA, 2018), unventilated
attic designs (FEMA, 2008), and the Firezat fire blanket house wrap (Case
Western Reserve University, 2010; CNBC Television, 2021; Firezat wildfire, 2021).
Sprinkler systems can be either automatic or manually operated and require a
water source with sufficient water pressure and volume to be effective. Unventilated
attic designs remove the opportunity for attic fires by removing the attic
space. Although, condensation management concerns may restrict the use of this
design in regions with humid climates (FEMA, 2008). The Firezat house wrap
looks promisingly effective, despite a significant application period required
to properly install and protect a home before evacuation from the wildfire
(CNBC Television, 2021). Finally, effective wildfire mitigation requires the management of
combustible debris on or around the home and the use of FireSmart or Firewise (NFPA,
2022) landscaping strategies and tactics (BC FireSmart, 2021; FireSmart Canada,
n.d.; Firewise, n.d.). Both programs trace their lineage back to Dr. Jack
Cohen, a wildfire researcher at the Missoula [Montana] Fire Research Lab
operated by the US Forest Service (Berry et al., 2016; NFPA, 2015). The
FireSmart program adopted in Canada has an individual homeowner focus, while
the Firewise program in the United States promotes a community approach to
wildfire mitigation. Both programs stress the importance of homeowner
engagement and involvement. Success is ensured by implementing improvements
within 100’ of their home, such as xeriscaping, landscaping, and firescaping
(combustible debris management) (BC FireSmart, 2019; Ewing & Maier, 2016; Labossiere
& McGee, 2017; UNR, 2011). While the threat presented by wildfire can be seen a homogenous force,
flooding conditions can attack in multiple forms from slow, steady inundation
right through to rapid, violent infiltration. As a result, structural disaster resilient
solutions to flooding will be location dependent; since the solutions for flooding
caused by precipitation accumulation in low laying areas will differ from areas
that have flood water infiltration accompanied by current, flow, waves, or
waterborne debris. These factors are further complicated as flooding is not
always the primary threat and may only be a secondary effect of a hurricane, cyclone,
or earthquake. Therefore, not all flood solutions will work in all environments
or locales. Adopting a preparedness attitude, mitigating for the worse-case scenario
should contribute to identifying the characteristics that carry beyond a single
threat environment. For those who find themselves in an area with a flooding hazard there
are mitigations that can be undertaken ensuring new construction (or retrofitting
an existing structure) enhances the structural flood resiliency. Start by identifying
which flood hazards are greatest and use this information to determine which foundation
type should be used, such as a pile/pier/column permanent static elevation
(PSE) for those in hurricane country or exposed to fluvial flooding with
water flows greater than 5 feet per second (English et al., 2019; NFIP, 2008). Whereas
those with seasonal or weather induced flooding resulting in a static body of
water, an amphibious buoyant foundation, that rises and lowers with the flood
waters may be the correct option (English et al., 2019; Piatek &
Wojnowska-Heciak, 2020). When using a more traditional style foundation with
footings and concrete or masonry block walls ensure compliance with local
buildings codes, especially if the foundation is below the base flood elevation
(BFE). Wet proofing the foundation will require flood venting enabling
equalization of hydrostatic pressure on the inside and outside of the
foundation during flooding and allow drainage when flood water recede (FEMA, 2011).
The NFIP does not allow living space to occupy areas below the BFE nor dry
proofing (NFIP, 2008). Enhancing flood structure disaster resiliency, like other disaster
hazards, requires a systems approach with complimentary components working
together. In addition, to the items already mentioned here a few more
components that will enhance performance: (a) mount utilities above the BFE,
this includes wiring, electrical outlets, appliances; (b) landscape with
multiple elevations that direct the flow of water away from the dwelling and
towards storm water drains, including the use of swales, levees, berms, floodwalls,
or dykes; (c) control water build-up in the dwelling and inner landscape with sump
pumps that evacuate excess water outside flood protections; and (d) a backup
power system to keep the sump pumps operational when grid power fails (FEMA, 2011;
FLASH, 2021; IBC, 216). This contingency should be operational for a normal
flood cycle of the region (four to forty days). Recognizing that failure of the
pumps will result in water inundation. Liao (2012) cautions that dependency on
flood defences leads to a false sense of security, and true flood resiliency is
achieved by learning to live with the cycles of the river, including getting
wet when waters rise. To do otherwise, invites greater impact to residents when
flood defences fail, and they are not prepared for the resulting inundation
(Journey et al., 2015). ICLR’s QuakeSmart (2016) provides further suggestions for quake-proofing
a home by (a) installing a seismic shutoff valve at gas meter, (b) upgrading
windows to tempered glass or laminated glass, (c) bracing masonry chimneys and ensuring
sleeping areas are not below fall zone of chimneys, (d) using anti-tip brackets/braces/straps/devices
on utilities, shelving units, heavy appliances, (e) using lockable
cabinet/cupboard doors to prevent contents from spilling out during a quake, (f)
retrofitting cripple walls into existing homes, (g) anchoring home to
the foundation, (h) using band/block/bridging on floor joists and roof trusses
– aids in transfer of energy to the foundation, (i) using hurricane ties/straps
to secure roof to the walls, (j) using structural plywood sheathing on the roof
– helps strengthens the structure, (k) heavy tile & slate not recommended,
as roofing can dislodge and fall during quake, and (l) dormers, skylights,
complex roof structures are not recommended as they weaken the roof structure. Wind is a constant companion to all geographical locations, with many
experiencing some form of severe wind conditions. After the 2013 Moore,
Oklahoma tornado, building codes were adjusted from a 90 mph (145 km/h)
standard to a 135 mph (217 km/h) standard (Stevenson et al., 2020). Similarly,
the IBHS FORTIFIED home program enhanced building standards in hurricane
country to a Category 3 Hurricane standard. Meanwhile, in Canada, Stevenson et
al. (2020) are endeavouring to enhance the National Building Code of Canada to
a wind standard (in windy areas) to an EF-2 Tornado (maximum wind speed of 217
km/h) standard. Preventing structure damage due to severe wind requires knowing
the limits of the hazard. Hurricane researchers, Perez-Alarcon et al. (2021) share
that by the year 2100, the Gulf of Mexico could experience proposed Category 6
Hurricanes with wind speeds higher than 380 km/h. That amazing wind speed was
exceeded in 1996 when Tropical Cyclone Olivia slammed Western Australia on
April 10th with winds of 408 km/h (Arthur et al., 2021)! If the
challenges of designing and building dwellings to endure high winds was not
difficult enough, most severe wind events are also accompanied by flying debris
that strike stationary objects – trees, bridges, cell towers, power poles and
buildings with devastating impact forces (FEMA, 2021; Ginger et al., 2021). Other considerations include using ASCE 7-05-2006 rated storm shutters
over doors and windows (ensuring shutters are anchored to building framing, not
just to the window); using ring shank nails to fasten roof sheathing; high wind
rated vents for attics and soffits; avoid having skylights on the roof; avoid
locating windows or doors on the corners, avoid complex roof systems; hip style
roofs offers superior aerodynamics compared to gable roofs; locations near salt
water need to use stainless steel fasteners, straps, braces, and brackets that
are resistant to salt corrosion; and single storey dwellings are more resilient
than either two or three-storey homes (FEMA, 2006; FEMA, 2011; FEMA, 2010; IBHS,
2022; ICLR, 2012/2018; Olson et al., 2022). Similarly, Garth (2021) supports
the use of universal concrete construction in tornado areas and PCI Foundation
(2017) members successfully design and build pre-stressed/pre-cast concrete
buildings in both hurricane and tornado regions. Olson et al. (2022) reveal
that edge mounted turbines effectively diffuse wind effects on buildings or
roof edges. Finally, Sheng et al. (2022) and FEMA, P-499, (2010) agree that
natural coastal landscaping plays a positive role in protecting homes from
hurricane effects, and recommend leaving (even enhancing) coastal mangroves, marshes,
and dunes. Despite the seemingly incongruent nature of the quadruple threats, six consistent
recommendation emerged common to all disaster threats: (a) complex roofs which
have skylights, dormers, or multiple levels are more vulnerable to disasters,
(b) hip roof styles, with steep roof pitch are more capable of shedding wind
and water, (c) continuous load connection from roof to foundation enhances
structural resiliency, (d) debris management prevents adding to the scale of
disaster, (e) shutters are an effective defence when deployed before the event
occurs, and (f) using double or triple pane window units made with tempered
glass are universally recommended. Additionally, the use of fireproof and/or
waterproof materials and construction techniques were found not to negatively
impact dwelling resiliency to the quadruple threat. Table 1
– Rate Reductions
Urban & Rural Planning
Taxation, Licensing, Inspections, Enforcement
Build to a Better Standard or Code
Available Funds & Lower Lending Rates
Professional Industry – Engineers, Architects, & Emergency
& Collaboration
Publish Best Practices (Open Access)
& Collaboration
Publish Best Practices (Open Access)
To promote a shift to disaster resilient housing, everyone in the
process needs to know their specific role and what influence each wields. The
home buyer, when properly educated to the benefits of a resilient home can make
their preference known by using their purchasing power to sway how homes are
built, which features are included, and what standard is acceptable (FLASH,
2021). However, this cannot be achieved in a vacuum; others play critical roles
as well. The insurance industry can contribute immediately by offering rate
reductions for homes that are designed and built to a resilient standard and
maintained to that standard. Similarly, governments can do their part by updating
building codes to a resilient standard, offering tax reductions for disaster
resilient homes or grants to build to that level, and then inspecting and
enforcing the building code. The construction industry can either self-police
or have enforcement applied from government agencies, to ensure building standards
are met during home construction or renovation. Membership in local
homebuilder’s associations could require quality standards for membership. Without
membership, belonging to the better business bureau would be impossible;
thereby helping consumers identify approved contractors. Finally, the
professional industry and academia must work together to ensure all research
that contributes to more resilient building construction is published and made
public through open access. Time to end knowledge silos and pay-wall access
restrictions, some other method of cost recovery will need to be devised. If
there is buy-in from all stakeholders, the shift to a new paradigm of
structural disaster resilient housing will become a reality and the expected
standard. The proposed solution for a disaster resilient dwelling will endeavour
to incorporate as many of the best practices into a single structure as
possible (see Figure 4). The research has shown that a simple hip style roof,
with at least a 3/12 pitch is the way to go. In Canada, that minimum should be
at least a 4/12 pitch to also shed snow, however, Deltec Homes’ (2020)
suggestion of a 6/12 pitch could be a universal roofing solution, as it would
work well for wind events, water, snow, and wildfire ember storms. The use of
5/8” structural plywood roof sheathing, using ring shank nails, on cross-braced
roofing trusses; clad with a Class ‘A’ roofing material and secured to the
walls with proper hurricane ties and straps would create a roofing system that
could weather any storm. The wall system should be framed on 16” centres stick
construction with impact rated cladding over 5/8” fire rated (FR) Gyproc,
screwed to exterior 5/8” plywood wall sheathing which is secured to the wall
framing. Between the exterior sheathing and FR Gyproc would be a layer of house
wrap for moisture control of the building envelope. The exterior walls would be
insulated with a fireproof insulation, like Rockwool, and the interior of the wall
would have a layer of 6-mil poly vapour barrier between the framing and the
interior 5/8” FR Gyproc. The walls would be anchored to the floors and have
continuous metal strapping from roof to foundations to ensure a continuous load
path for strength and structural unity. Doors, windows, and vents would have storm
and fire shutters properly mounted, which would need to be secured in the
closed position before an event. Also, windows and doors would be impact-rated
with tempered double pane glass. Utilities would be mounted above the BFE,
seismic gas shutoff valves would be installed, as would backflow valves to
prevent sewer backup floods. Homes in a floodplain would not have basements. Gutter
systems would be kept free of debris to prevent localized flooding or providing
an ignition source to wildfire generated ember storms. Landscaping would incorporate
FireSmart recommendations for Zones 0 through Zone 3 (first 100’ around home).
Landscaping would grade the elevation away from the foundation to prevent
overland flood waters from inundating the home. Following these suggestions,
more homes would survive a disaster level encounter with the quadruple threats
and speed up recovery. Future Research Starting Points - Wood studs versus steel studs, which enhances wildfire resiliency of
structures greater?
- Which dwelling shape is most resilient to the quadruple threat?
Square/cube, octagon/octa-column, hexagon/hexa-column, round/cylinder,
round/sphere, or geodesic dome?
- Which seismic motion isolation devices or seismic damping devices are least
cost prohibitive for homeowners in earthquake prone regions?
- Design a quadruple threat resilient home, build samples and subject to
full-scale home testing in the IBHS Research Lab against an ember storm, in the
WoW Hurricane Simulator against a Cat 5 Hurricane, in the ARK Flood Lab against
a swift water flood, and the MCEER Earthquake Simulator against a 9.0
earthquake. Determine by primary data which design, features, materials, and
construction methods create the most disaster resilient home.
- Test the proposed quadruple threat wall design (see Figure 5) to
determine survivability and conduct a cost-benefit analysis.
In the end, resiliency (or lack there of) falls to the homeowner, community,
and local government; if they (individually or collectively) do not buy-in and
become active participants in their own resiliency; then, they are doomed to
fail. On the other hand, if they are committed to cooperating and
collaborating; with the correct education, technical support, and materials
then they will succeed. The first barrier to breach is denial, which requires
education, role-models, and champions (Labossiere & McGee, 2017; Ripley,
2008). As Ripley (2008) postulates, denial is followed by a period of
contemplation (deliberation) before the decisive moment for buy-in,
cooperation, and action. Therefore, opportunities to breakdown barriers to
advance resiliency objectives should be well planned and ready to action on a
moments notice. Resiliency is an active choice that becomes a lifestyle, and
all the well-intentioned research, plans, or solutions will be for naught if
those who would benefit are frozen in a state of denial. Start with small,
incremental steps to ease homeowners, communities, and local governments to
buy-in, such as construction techniques and materials that enhance structural
disaster resiliency to the quadruple threats – wildfires, floods, earthquakes,
and wind events (tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones). Arthur, W.C., Gray, S., Wehner, M., Martin, S., & Edwards,
M. (2021). Severe Wind Hazard Assessment – Tropical cyclone scenarios for
Western Australian coastal communities. Record 2021/09. Geoscience
Australia. https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/publications/Documents/Severe-Wind-Hazard-Assessment.pdf British Columbia FireSmart. (2019).
Firesmart begins at home manual. https://firesmartbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/FireSmart_Booklet_web-Updated.pdf British Columbia FireSmart.
(2021). FireSmart BC landscaping guide. https://firesmartbc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FireSmartBC_LandscapingGuide_Web_v2.pdf Burby, R.J. (1998). Policies for
sustainable land use. In R.J. Burby (Ed.), Cooperating with nature: Confronting
natural hazards with land-use planning for sustainable communities
(pp.263-292). Joseph Henry Press. Canadian Disaster Database. (n.d.). Search. Public Safety
Canada. https://cdd.publicsafety.gc.ca/srchpg-eng.aspx?dynamic=false
Carr, B. (2020, 12 December). Mineral wool vs fiberglass
insultation | everything you need to know [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH4Oyj4fNxQ
Case Western Reserve University. (2010, 29 June). Fire
blankets to save homes [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNDuvTnx2PI
Chiaro, G., Palermo, A., Granello, G., Hernandez, E., Tasalloti,
A., Stratford, C., & Banasiak, L.J. (2019). Enhancing the resilience of
low-rise buildings: A New Zealand perspective. Society for Earthquake and
Civil Engineering Dynamics. https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/handle/10092/17930 CNBC Television. (2021, 30 December). How Firezat’s aluminum
shield saved this couple’s cabin from wildfire [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtJSOqgFKU0
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The science
which treats of the air under the action of force and of their mechanical
Synonym for
built environment, dealing with urban planning, architecture, human geography,
civil engineering; refers to the human-made environment.
Cancer causing.
A wooden wall
from the foundation to the first floor of the structure, usually less than a
full storey, creates a crawl space beneath the dwelling. Must be braced with
plywood to provide seismic protection.
Sealed to be
impermeable to the passage of floodwaters.
A passive fire
protection measure, using non-combustible materials or making something
Landscaping technique that
inhibits the spread of fire.
Any parallel
structural members of a floor system that support, and are usually
immediately beneath, the floor.
A roof style
that has flat ends with a triangular profile. If unbraced these ends can
leads to structural fail in high winds. Only slopes in two directions.
Geodynamics is
a subfield of geophysics dealing with movements of the Earth. i.e.,
earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building.
A peaked roof that slopes in
four directions.
Loads imposed on an object by
water flowing against & around it.
Loads imposed on a surface by a
standing mass of water.
floods, earthquakes, & wind events (tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones).
A sloped
structural member that connects the roof ridge pole to the wall plate.
Short for
“reinforcement bar”, this is a steel reinforcing rod used as a concrete
tension device.
The ability to recover quickly,
return to the original state.
The ability to resist change.
An engineered
roof component that bridges exterior roof sheathing to the wall plate, depending
on design it may or may not require a central ridge pole/beam.
A sampling
technique where current subjects provide referrals for future subjects. Adapted
to gathering articles from a reference list.
To make a dwelling impervious to
the damage caused by a storm.
The interdisciplinary study of complex systems and how
components interrelate with each other in nature, science, and society.
Deals with
heat, work, and temperature, and their relation to energy, entropy, and the
physical properties of matter and radiation.
A flood
retrofit technique that allows floodwaters to enter in such a way as to
minimize damage to the structure.
technique that uses materials and plants that need very little water. Used
frequently in arid climates.
Notes. Definitions found using DuckDuckGo! search engine.
American Society of Civil
Base Flood Elevation
Colorado Springs Fire Department
Cyclone Testing Station
Design Flood Elevation
Federal Emergency Management
Federal Alliance for Safe Homes
Insurance Bureau of Canada
Insurance Institute for Business
and Home Safety
Institute for Catastrophic Loss
Multidisciplinary Center for
Earthquake Engineering Research
National Flood Insurance Program
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Oriented Strand Board
Public Safety Canada
University of Nevada, Reno
Wind & Hurricane Impact
Research Laboratory
Wall of Wind (Hurricane
Systematic Mitigations to the Quadruple Threat Impacts  | Notes. Red for wildfire, blue for flood, brown for earthquake, and grey
for wind events.
Proposed Quadruple
Threat Resilient Wall Design Note. This wall construction should improve structural disaster
resiliency to survive missile impacts and the quadruple threat – Figure 5 inside
to out: 5/8” FR Gyproc, 6-mil vapour barrier, 2x8 framing on 16” centres and
filled with Rockwool insulation, 5/8” plywood sheathing, Tyvek wrap, 5/8” FR
Gyproc, 1 ½" x 1 ½" page wire, Cement board cladding.
Facility: ARK
– National Flood Resilience Centre
University of Hull (UK)
Website: https://arkfloodcentre.co.uk/
Contact: Dr.
Giles Davidson, Project Lead
Area of
Research: Flooding
Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC (Cooperative Research Centres)
Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC)
Website: https://www.bnhcrc.com.au/ and https://www.afac.com.au/
Level 1, 340 Albert Street, East, Melbourne, Victoria, 3002, Australia
Contact: office@bnhcrc.com.au
Area of
Research: Bushfires
Center for Earthquake Research and Information (CERI)
University of Memphis
Website: https://www.memphis.edu/ceri/
Address: 3890
Central Avenue, Memphis, TN, 38152
Assistant Professor, Thomas Gebel
Area of
Research: Earthquakes; Focus on New Madrid Seismic Zone
Cyclone Testing Station (CTS)
James Cook University
Website: https://www.jcu.edu.au/cyclone-testing-station
Townsville, Queensland, 4811, Australia
Contact: Dr.
David Henderson (david.henderson@jcu.edu.au),
Chief Engineer
Area of
Research: Cyclones, Storm Surge Flooding, Wind Driven Rain, Building
Earthquakes Canada
Natural Resources Canada
Website: https://earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/index-en.php
Area of
Research: Earthquakes; National Building Code of Canada – Seismic Hazard
Flood and River Ice Break-up
Natural Resources Canada
Website: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/science-and-data/science-and-research/natural-hazards/floods-river-ice-break/10660
Area of
Research: Floods; Flood mapping, Flood forecasting
Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC)
Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC)
Website: http://www.ibc.ca/on/
Contact: 1-844-227-5422
Area of
Research: Fire, Flood, Earthquake, Wind, Hail & Ice; Disaster
preparedness from insurance point-of-view, statistics
IBHS Research Center
Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS)
Website: https://ibhs.org/about-ibhs/ibhs-research-center/
Address: 4775
East Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL, 33617 & 5335 Richburg Road, Richburg, SC,
Contact: info@ibhs.org
Area of
Research: Wildfire, Wind, Rain, Hail; Full scale testing for homes; FORTIFIED
Home program
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR)
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR)
Website: https://www.iclr.org/
Western University, Amit Chakma Building, Suite 4405, 1151 Richmond Street,
London, ON, N6A 5B9
Area of
Research: Wildfire, Flood, Earthquake, Wind, Hail; Wind Tunnel at Western
University, Quakesmart.ca program, Guidebook for Homeowners
Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory
US Department of Agriculture – US Forest Service
Website: https://www.firelab.org/
Address: 5775
US Highway #10 West, Missoula, MT, 59808-9361
Contact: SM.FS.mso_firelab@usda.gov
Area of
Research: Wildfire; Firebrand generator & Fire testing lab
Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (MCEER)
University of Buffalo
Website: https://www.buffalo.edu/mceer/about.html
Address: 212
Ketter Hall, Buffalo, NY, 14260-4300
Contact: mceer@buffalo.edu
Area of
Research: Earthquakes; Earthquake simulator
National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Center
Government of Nepal
Website: http://www.seismonepal.gov.np/
Department of Mines & Geology, Lainchaur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Contact: info@seismonepal.gov.np
Area of
Research: Earthquakes
National Severe Storm Laboratory (NSSL)
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Website: https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/research/flood/
, https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/research/wind/
National Severe Storm Laboratory, 120 David L Boren Boulevard, Norman OK,
Contact: nssl.outreach@noaa.gov
Area of
Research: Floods, Wind
Northern Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
Website: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/science-data/research-centres-labs/forestry-research-centres/northern-forestry-centre/13485
53520-122 Street, Edmonton, AB, T6H 3S5
Area of
Research: Wildfire; Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) https://cwfis.cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/home
Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center
University of Washington (University of California, Berkeley)
Website: https://www.washington.edu/research/research-centers/pacific-earthquake-engineering-research-center-peer/
Davis Hall, University of Washington
Director, Marc Eberhard (eberhard@uw.edu)
Area of
Research: Earthquakes
Pacific Forestry Centre
Natural Resources Canada
Website: https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/science-data/research-centres-labs/forestry-research-centres/pacific-forestry-centre/13489
Address: 506
West Burnside Road, Victoria, BC, V8Z 1M5
Area of
Research: Wildfire; National Fire Management Resource Demand Model, 7370
documents library
Severe Storm Prediction Education & Evacuation from Disasters (SSPEED)
Rice University
Website: https://www.sspeed.rice.edu
Address: 6100
Main Street, MS317, Keck Hall 117, Houston, TX, 77005
Contact: sspeed@rice.edu
Area of
Research: Wind, Partners with other universities in the region
Wall of Wind (WoW) Hurricane Simulator
Florida International University (FIU)
Website: https://cee.fiu.edu/research/facilities/wall-of-wind
& https://fiu.designsafe-ci.org/
Area of
Research: Hurricane; Category 5 hurricane simulator
Wind & Hurricane Impact Research Laboratory (WHIRL)
Florida Institute of Technology (Florida Tech)
Website: https://research.fit.edu/whirl/projects/florida-public-hurricane-loss-model-fphlm/
Address: 150
West University Boulevard, Melbourne, FL, 32901
Area of
Research: Hurricanes
In alphabetical order by facility name.
Well there we are folks, after to the slow build-up, that is my capstone research project. Hopefully, someone will benefit from this. Here are the links to the other related posts: Research Poster Literature Review from 2019 https://mtnmanblog.blogspot.com/2023/08/beyond-three-little
Literature Review from 2022 Research Proposal from 2022