08 April 2022

Neo-Feudalism - A Critical Thinking Exercise


Grande Cache (photo by V.A. McMillan)

The Great Reset promises that you will own nothing, and be happy…is the end goal Neo-Feudalism?

To get this chat started, let us take the time to listen to Tommy Salmons and James Corbett:


That was fifty-minutes of your life you cannot get back, but it does give a quick peek behind the curtain of the illusion of life. We are living in one messed up era of human history. So, those who believe they own and control the planet want to shackle you in the chains of servitude to live on your knees at their discretion. The new feudalism…you will own nothing and be happy.



So, where are the examples of critical thinking? Surely not everyone agrees with this agenda? Where is the discussion? Debate? Democratic process? Does that not require open discussion and hearing from all stakeholders? When did individuals stop thinking for themselves and transfer that responsibility to others?

A quick search of the world wide web, quickly returns many posts on Neo-Feudalism, here are a couple examples:



Obviously, I am not the only one who is concerned with where this path is leading. The question becomes, how do we (who care) fix this? What can we, as individuals, do to exit from their program? Glad, you asked.

First, educate yourself. Read and learn the history of human existence. Focus on the behaviour by those in power for the last two centuries, of course, some threads could extend further back a few more centuries. Learn and know your history.

Second, understand the relationship between you and what you purchase and who you give your money to and what they plan to do with your money. Are you funding those who want to oppress you?? Some corporations just want to build quality products and earn decent profits. Other corporations are more interested in power and those corporations will use the money you give them to invest in anything that expands their power. Buy local and support your neighbours and help build a stronger local economy.

Finally, become self-sufficient. If you have not already started to increase your self-sufficiency, today is a good day to start. Grow your own food – convert part of your lawn into a garden. Live in a condo complex and are not allowed to have a garden? Why not, practice gardening in planter boxes on your deck or patio? Similarly, increase your stock of food stuffs that can be stored inside your home. Canned goods, rice, dry pasta, and cooking basics like flour, sugar, salt, oil, and spices. It is always the right time to increase your holding of food reserves. 72-hours of preparedness is a nice start; however, two weeks, two months, or two years would be much better. Start slow and steadily improve your preparedness.

Bonus suggestion – TURN OFF YOUR TV!!! STOP WATCHING THE DAILY DOSE OF PROPAGANDA!! Read more books. Find your opinion, again, and share it at every opportunity. Listen to the opinions of others, even if you do not agree with them. Start thinking for yourself and push back to anyone who infiltrates your personal space to oppression you. They will do whatever you let them do. Critical thinking starts with thinking for yourself.

That is enough for today.

Until next time…stand-up for yourself!


Update: 18 April 2022

Looks like more folks are sharing their thoughts on feudalism:

Dr. Robert Malone: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/techno-facism-techno-feudalism-or?token%2Fs=r&s=r 

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