31 May 2012

The G.O.O.D. Plan (Get Out Of Dodge) Part 4

Traffic to my blog is up. I believe this is generating interest. I will continue with another excerpt of the The G.O.O.D. Plan (Get Out Of Dodge).



You will need to document a collection of G.O.O.D. Maps. They start at your home and lead in all possible directions. The nature of the threat that is forcing you to evacuate your home will determine the direction of egress. If, it is a chemical spill or sour gas release, near your home; you will want to head uphill and cross wind from the spill or release. If, it is a nuclear melt-down or dirty bomb you do not want to evacuate down wind, as the fallout will be chasing you.

Start small. What is the best route out of town from your home? The quickest? The shortest? The least used? Which route has the widest roads? Are there bridges? Do you need to cross railway tracks? Where is the closest major airport? Seaport? Major rail yard? Military Base? Or city?

Your route will try to avoid major targets. Your route will try to avoid known choke points. You will try to avoid the crowds.

If, you have time on your side take the shortest route, so, you can be the farthest away at zero hour.

If, you waited a little too long, take the route with the least amount of traffic to compete with. Once a safe distance from the threat correct your course and make haste to your safe zone.

If, you are in gridlock and want to escape, especially on freeways, get into the empty lanes of traffic and travel in the wrong direction. Get back on your side at the earliest safe re-entry point. Be very careful if you choose to use this technique – if you are not paying 100% attention to the road conditions you could be killed by oncoming traffic. Be aware this behaviour is not for day-to-day commuting, and is only recommended in the most dire of times. Emergency evacuations qualify – such as trying to out drive an approaching hurricane.

You should have at least three routes to each safe zone. A primary evacuation route and two alternate routes in the event that a road or bridge is out. Try to have detailed road maps of your routes that include rural roads. The Backroad Mapbooks by Mussio Ventures Ltd. (www.backroadmapbooks.com) are an excellent example of the detail required for mapping out your evacuation route. Although, your navigator will have to flip pages from time to time, if you are forced to be on foot – these maps are detailed enough to set a course into your GPS unit or plot a bearing on your compass to get safely away from the highway.

Keep your G.O.O.D. Maps together in a package. A laminated copy is not a bad idea, either. It is not a good idea to photocopy topographic or road maps that use colour to indicate features. Buy extra full colour maps. You should have a copy of your G.O.O.D. Maps in your escape pack. Another copy in your vehicle. To limit a family security breach , you may want to use coded symbols to mark caches, safe zones and alternate safe zones.

Convoy Driving:

When possible travel in convoy. Have frs/gmrs radios so all vehicles can communicate while traveling at speed. Convoy driving is different than day-to-day commuting. First, all vehicles move as a single packet/group. Keep vehicle spacing tight. Leave no extra space for passing vehicles to squeeze in. Put your strongest drivers and their navigators in the first two vehicles and the last vehicle. Protect your heavier, slower vehicles by keeping them in the middle of the convoy.

Have the driver & navigator in the lead vehicle pick the best route with the information they have at the time. If, it becomes necessary to change routes as you progress, the navigator becomes even more important. If, you have a long route to your Safe Zone it will be necessary to rotate the lead vehicle position. The lead vehicle pulls to the right lane & slows slightly, as the convoys speeds pass. The second vehicle become the lead. Once the old lead vehicle has fallen to the

back into the follow-up position, the follow-up vehicle will proceed up the outside to the second position and insert themselves behind the lead vehicle. Since every vehicle has a radio to communicate with, these position changes should be smooth. The alternate method is to switch lead position after each refuel stop.

Further, convoy tactics and techniques will be covered in Appendix F.

One last point on G.O.O.D. Routes, remember to drive them at least once before needing to use them for real. Not necessarily, the whole length, maybe just the first thirty minutes from your home. We will review this a bit further in the Practice & Drills section.

Modes of Travel:


  • Motor Vehicle – car, truck, suv, motorhome, motorcycle
  • ATV – quad, side-by-side, motorcross, enduro, dune buggy
  • Bike – mountain bike, road bike, BMX
  • Boat – motor boat, sail boat, canoe, kayak, raft, rowboat
  • train – passenger, LRT, Cargo (hobo-style)
  • Air – plane, helicopter, balloon
  • Horse – with or without wagon, cart, buggy
  • Foot – hiking, walking, running


  • Motor Vehicle – car, truck, suv, motorhome, 4x4
  • ATV – quad, snowmobile, track-vehicle
  • Train – passenger, lrt, cargo (hobo-style)
  • Air – plane, helicopter, balloon
  • horse – with or without sleigh
  • Dog Sled – skijoring
  • Foot – skis, snowshoes, hike
  • Boat – motor boat, sail boat, kayak (in coastal areas)


Safe Zones:

A Safe Zone is a defendable location that favours the defender and challenges or restricts the assualter. Natural terrain features such as:

  • High ground with clear view of approaches.
  • Water source (river, creek, spring, lake)
  • Natural Source of fuel (trees, coal, other)
  • Escape route – covered or in dead ground
  • Ground soft enough to dig trenches or bunkers
  • Natural food supply near by – hunting or ground to farm vegetables

In addition to natural terrain features, your Safe Zone will want to incorporate the following defensive structures and features:

  • A layered defence
  • Command bunker in the centre
  • Observation tower in the trees
  • Sleeping area near the command bunker
  • Cooking & eating area near the command bunker
  • Latrine – down hill and/or down stream of the cooking area
  • Sump Pits to filter gray water
  • P.O.L. Point – away from the sleeping area
  • Fire points around camp – shovels, axes, pails of sand or water, and fire extinguishers
  • Observation Posts on the perimeter
  • Listening Posts on the perimeter
  • Slit trenches, foxholes & spider holes encircle the outer ring of the camp
  • Continous trench system encircle the inner camp outside the command bunker

(See Diagram on page 53.)


Survival Psychology:

The Will to Fight

If you do not own firearms, if you do not have military training, if you do not believe in violence and the thought of such lawlessness scares the shit out of you. NOW, is the time to befriend soldiers and veterans. You may need their help in the future.

Show your respect to those who risk their lives for your freedom. Be a good citizen, go to Remembrance Day ceremonies. Teach your children to value the brave men and women who defend your country. Put a “Support the Troops” sticker on your VW Jetta. Wear a red shirt on Fridays to show the troops you support them. You may not agree with the mission, but by God, you best support the troops doing the mission.

If the dark days return and you still refuse to use force to repel force. Keep this in mind, when the bad guys come and find you... Before they make you their slave, you will be forced to watch your wife and your children be gang-raped. You will see the terror in the eyes of your loved ones. Their screams will haunt you til the day you cower into deaths embrace. You will never see your family again. You will not know much they were forced to endure. You will not know how their lives end, nor where they are buried (if they were even buried at all.)

Your enemy knows more about terror than you can imagine. Living in a peaceful, arrogant, bliss is fine during peace time. But during, periods of lawless terror, you best be ready to fight tooth and nail to get peaceful times back.

Your enemy is very willing to fight to his last drop of blood to take away everything you value and cherish.

This ends my sermon.
Enough said.

I believe this is a good point to close for today.


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