11 September 2011

We Who Write About Emergency Preparedness

So, 10 years have past since the September attacks.

We remember and we prepare for the next engagement on our home turf.

I have spent the last couple years working on my book, The G.O.O.D. Plan (Get Out Of Dodge). Since finishing writing the core material, I have spent a year editing and having a sample copy self-published by the fine folks at Island Blue Printers in Victoria, BC.

As I wanted to keep up with the popular belief on emergency preparedness, I have invested a few hours reading all the books I can. The most recent, Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness For The Family 2nd Edition by Arthur T. Bradley, PhD. Now Mr. Bradley presents some useful information and I beg to differ on some of his material, but it did get me to thinking about emergency preparedness and survival. All the authors of the books pictured have a slightly differing opinion on how best to survive, but all the authors are doing their best to help the reader to be prepared for everything that can effect "normal" life. Some take the stand from survivalist point of view, others are preppers, some claim to be using just plain old common sense. But all agree that taking a stand and being prepared beats the hell out of being a victim waiting for government aid.

I will follow up on this soon.

Be Prepared,


1 comment:

  1. Here is a post from the International Preppers website: "A new book... "SURVIVING What's To Come"

    Postby dsnexus » Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:56 pm

    I'm new to this network, but I wanted to introduce myself. My wife and I have been preppers all our lives, probably before someone ever came up with the name... I'm looking to get in contact with others who share some of the same values.

    I also encourage you to browse my new website I've just created which is home to a new book I've just written, "SURVIVING What's To Come".

    It's a "call to action" book written for those who already believe or those who may yet come to believe that there's wisdom in Emergency Preparedness. It's a serious read that will challenge you or take some of you out of your comfort zone. I won't say anymore other than... give it a read.

    In Chapter VII, you'll also find my recommendations for Emergency Car kits, Bug-Out Kits, First-Aid kits and Must-Have Survival Tools & Gear, and a whole lot more. But the book is about MUCH MORE than just those helpful resources. Check it out at: http://www.survivalpreparations.ca

    There will be other stuff on my website shortly, too, related to Emergency Preparedness and Survival.

    Drop me an email or some comments.

    All the best to you!"

    I think it is great that more emergency preparedness material is being written locally. I encourage all visitors to explore the website mentioned above and read the book.

