26 July 2024

Turtle Time! Western Painted Turtle & the Winnipeg River System


Turtle Row (photo by V.A. McMillan, July 2024)

Turtle Time! The Western Painted Turtle in the Winnipeg River System

26 July 2024

Summer is here. It is warm and muggy in Eastern Manitoba; thankfully, without the stress of nearby wildfires. Since my post back in May (mtnmanblog.blogspot.com/first-folbot-paddle), I have been out paddling almost once a week. I am getting better acquainted with the Winnipeg River and some of the tributaries, like English River. What this area has in common is the Western Painted Turtle.

Lone Turtle (photo by V.A. McMillan JUN 2024)

Unlike the Snapping Turtle, the Western Painted Turtle is not an endangered or threatened species…at least around here. So, this post will share some pics of the Western Painted Turtle in its natural habitat. I try my very best to capture photos from my Folbot kayak without getting too close or staying in the area too long. Having my camera with a bit of a telephoto lens has helped a lot, since the first trip or two when I relied on the camera on my phone. So, without further ado…it’s Turtle Time! (All following photos were taken by me.) 

Herd of Turtles (02 JUN 2024)

Turtle Log (02 JUN 2024)

A Turtle Gang (07 JUN 2024)

Turtle on Rock (08 JUN 2024)

Turtle on Rock (Cropped) (08 JUN 2024)

Turtles in the Marsh (21 JUN 2024)

Hard to Spot (20 JUL 2024)

Turtle Family (20 JUL 2024)

Turtle Family 2 (20 JUL 2024)

Turtle on Rock (20 JUL 2024)

(Remember, by clicking on the photos, they will enlarge.)


Until next time…remember, one of the reasons to get out into Nature, is to experience the other animals and critters on this planet…so, get out there and have a great time!

