Photo#1 |
Photo#2 |
Photo#3 |
Photo#4 |
So, over on The G.O.O.D. Plan Blog (
http://thegoodplanblog.blogspot.ca/) I have posted that I am trying to narrow down which photo should be used for the cover artwork for the soft cover 8.5"x11" version of
The G.O.O.D. Plan - Get Out Of Dodge. The four pics above are what I am working with and I would like some reader input. So, either reply to this post or fire me an e-mail at:
thegoodplan @
hotmail dot
Let me know which picture would be an eye catching cover for my book. Of course, if none of these pictures work let me know that, too.
Hopefully, by late Spring of 2014 I will have the book ready with a full colour cover.
Thanks for your help,