31 October 2021

What is the Barrier Blocking Humans from Becoming a Type One Civilization?

Victor Lake, Alberta (photo by V.A. McMillan, October 2021)


After reading the title you might be thinking to yourself, what the heck is Mountainman talking about? So, a quick back story…the TV show Star Trek (and the movies) had two interesting concepts to teach us, first was the prime directive and the second was their use of Kardashev Scale for describing the technological stage of a civilization.

The Kardashev Scale (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kardashev_scale, https://futurism.com/the-kardashev-scale-type-i-ii-iii-iv-v-civilization) is used to determine how much and from what source a civilization uses its energy. For as smart as we humans think we are, our current civilization would only rate as a Type Zero Civilization. Sure, we can split the atom and generate nuclear fission energy, however, we have not proved to be wise in how we use that knowledge now have we?? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLCF7vPanrY) That video will show you where and when the more than 2000-nuclear weapons have been tested or used in war.

To advance to a Type One Civilization we will need to be technologically and ethically mature enough to harvest/harness energy directly from the Sun. In human terms the Sun is an endless supply of energy, well for the next four billion years or so. Yet, the Sun has energy to share. The process to create X-Class solar flares on the surface of the Sun, produces more energy than a billion hydrogen bombs (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/sunearth/news/X-class-flares.html). If wee little humans could work together and figure out how to capture that energy without wiping out all life on our planet, then we would be advancing to the big times. Capturing X-Class flares would eliminate the need for using fossil fuels for home heating or generating electricity for lighting our homes and cities.

So, what is holding us back??

First, we are anything but ethical in our pursuits on this planet or in our neighbourhood of the galaxy.

Second, we have a complicated past in regard to supporting thinkers and innovators. Remember Nikola Tesla?? One of many pioneers far ahead of his time and under recognized as the genius he was. Shunned by the wealthy and powerful of the day. What was Tesla’s crime?? The mere suggestion that power could be free, was the beginning of his end. These greedy, power hungry demons in Society felt threatened by just the concept that energy could be free.

Third, there is a reason why humans are kept away from the centre of the galaxy; humans are an innovative, brutal, violent species. Although, other species in the galaxy are likely larger, smarter, or stronger, humans can be very cunning when hunting their foes and unleash sadistic hell on their enemies. This primitive quality is best reserved for total war when you need to unleash the Berserkers.

Finally, if the legend of Atlantis holds true, then they attained the technology of matter/anti-matter. Unfortunately, basic human deficiencies of greed and power sunk the continent below the surface of the sea at the climax of their civil war.

So, watching our current world I am wondering how are we going to achieve a Type 1 Civilization?? We are approaching the apex of our Type Zero existence, and if we do not have a plan in place, we will find ourselves in a worldwide conflict which will conclude with life on Earth being severely retarded. It will be a regression or devolution.

The old method for dealing with this evil would be to physically destroy it, but that path has us repeating this lesson again. We do not have a hundred generations to get back to this level of technology, again.

We need to mature and grow the hell up and find a solution that destroys this evil, so we can level up and enjoy a golden age as a Type One Civilization.

That is all for now.

Until next time…Ponder not only the solutions, but the costs vs benefits.


11 October 2021

Discrimination & Prejudice in 2021


Emerson Lake (photo by V.A. McMillan 2021)

How divided we have all become, in only 18-months or so. Does this seem natural to you?? Did you think when first asked to curtail your freedom of movement in March 2020 for two-weeks to flatten the curve, that eighteen or so months later you would find yourself at odds with your friends, co-workers, or your very own family?? What the hell has happened here folks??

My gut tells me we are all being played, manipulated, and exploited to the gain of some very shady bastards. No sugar-coating this post.

We have been asked to self-isolate (aka house arrest), we have been asked to forego any social activities, we have been asked to not travel, we have been asked to trust those in charge…and for what?? So, they can manipulate us further??

If this was a real pandemic, we would not need to be bombarded 24/7 with how many cases, or how many injections, or how many tests were taken. In a real pandemic, the death toll speaks louder than words. In a real pandemic you do not need to be convinced it is happening. We are being manipulated, by those we are supposed to trust.

Now, it is getting worse…our trust has been exploited and manipulated. An illness that more than 99% of those who get it recover. Many have had this illness and never knew they had it. And, yet, it is such a dangerous illness that a “vaccination” program is needed to protect us from this illness. A “vaccination” program using an experimental mRNA-based substance that is supposed to reduce the effects if you get the illness. Not protect you from the illness. Not build up your immunity to the illness. Merely, reduce the effects. Further, some folks who are getting injected are suffering more harm than what the original illness potentially causes. This is a perverse wrong at so many levels. WHY would you volunteer to be injected with a substance that is still experimental and does not purport to protect you from an illness that you can naturally survive?? Are you doing this purely out of fear?? Fear is a powerful emotion that can be harnessed and used to coerce your behaviour.

So, now we have this divide between family members, friends, communities, and even countries. On one side, there are folks who genuinely believe that this experimental substance is a good thing, and everyone should be injected with it. On the other hand, there are folks who genuinely believe this substance needs a lot more testing and animal trials before it should be injected into humans. And in the middle are a bunch of scared folks who are inundated with propaganda 24/7 who have their minds made up for them by the mass media.

So, the exploitation of the week is that persons who will not get injected are somehow a danger to society. This narrative is projected to the point that it is now perfectly fine to discriminate and prejudice against persons who refuse to be injected. Those not injected can be refused entry to a restaurant for a sit-down meal. Those not injected can be refused entry to a sporting event or social event. Those not injected can be intimidated to stay away from work without pay. And soon we will learn if those who are not injected can be terminated from their employment.

This use to be Canada. The True North Strong and Free. Now we are Canuckistan, just another third world despot dictatorship. Prejudice and discrimination are encouraged, by the State! Rat out your neighbours. Rat out your friends! RAT OUT YOUR FAMILY!! Hitler, Goering, Himmler would be impressed. Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot are smiling in their graves. How did the “nice” people of Canada get twisted into zealots who admonish their fellow citizens who refuse to disclose their personal medical choices or medical history just so they can travel, eat in a restaurant, or go to a movie.

If the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects an individual’s Right to Belief, the Freedom of movement, and Freedom of employment; how is it that the State can arbitrarily “mandate” a medical procedure that violates all of these items for some Canadians?? If race, creed, colour, sex, mental illness, and gender are protected, how is it possible that, whether a person has had an injection or not is allowed to be public knowledge??

Not only should that not be public knowledge, but it should also be unlawful to even ask the question. Can you ask someone if they have Herpes before they enter a restaurant?? Can you ask someone if they have Chlamydia or Gonorrhea before they enter a football stadium?? Then why the hell do folks think it is acceptable to inquire about whether or not someone has had an injection of an experimental substance to “vaccinate” against an illness that is far from lethal for most folks. Much less demand that those without the injection be subjected to second class citizen status.


In our collective past, we had brave souls who went off to battle and died to protect our core values of this nation, which included Freedom. Those same brave souls would be ashamed of what has become of Canada and Canadians. How is it acceptable to discriminate and prejudice against your fellow Canadians because they refuse to disclose their personal medical history to you?? 

Until next time...Stand for something!


Update 07 October 2022:

Here is a great music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NVnfM_H7TY 

"I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly" by Five Times August 23 July 2021